Our Cascara Sagrada Powder is a traditional digestive support herbal supplement that can help restore digestive function & metabolism, alleviate constipation & bloating, reduce intestinal swelling & inflammation, and so much more!
Don't let intestinal discomfort slow you down, soothe your digestive tract with our anti-inflammatory cascara sagrada bark.
Poor thyroid function can ruin your gut health.
Help eliminate constipation, poor digestion, gut infections, gut toxins, and your digestive worries while boosting your thyroid & metabolism with this “Sacred Bark”.
Cascara’s anti-inflammatory properties help drown out inflammation so your clear, healthy skin can really shine through.
Cascara helps to reduce intestinal swelling and re-energize your digestive tract to keep you regular and provide relief.
Cascara helps your cells produce more energy so your outsides can feel just as good as your insides.
Cascara helps to reduce bad gut bacteria and toxins that cause leaky gut, SIBO, et cetera so you can enjoy healthy digestion and worry less about your tummy.
Cascara can help to re-balance excess thyroid-suppressive hormones such as estrogen, cortisol, and serotonin that can inhibit your thyroid, liver, and metabolism.
Cascara can help to re-activate your liver and thyroid by lowering endotoxin and harmful hormones that inhibit your thyroid from releasing and your liver from converting thyroid hormone.
Only the Best Ingredients...
To us, quality doesn't just matter, it's vital. That’s why we are super picky about our cascara sagrada powder. Naturally aged Cascara Sagrada is a traditional digestive support herbal supplement passed down from Native American Indians to Spanish explorers in the 1600’s. Its health benefits stem primarily from the active ingredient emodin and its anti-inflammatory anthraquinones. Most cascara products today use chemical processes and heat treatments that diminish the beneficial effects and are harsh on the digestive tract. That’s why we use only pure and properly aged cascara to maximize the thyroid-benefits and improve your gut health. Plus, it’s easy to use.
Contains 15 grams / 15,000 mg (70 – 200 servings depending on dosing) of pure, aged “sacred bark” cascara sagrada powder. Other ingredients include: maltodextrin.
Start with 1/2 to 1 scoop (35 - 70 mg) daily and increase gradually as needed to alleviate constipation. Adjust the dosage as needed for one to two weeks for consistent results. If needed, multi-dose by taking multiple times daily.
Add it to a couple ounces of juice, applesauce, et cetera or, simply place it under the tongue and follow with liquid. Use before bed for best results, preferably without other supplements and medications.
Experience the digestive relief you’ve been looking for. Feel more calm and relaxed by eliminating constipation and the discomfort that goes with it. Get relief from gas and bloating along with the slimmer waistline that goes with it. Spend less time worrying about your gut and more time enjoying food with family and friends.