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Hypothyroidism is defined as having an underactive thyroid gland... but, that's not the whole story.
What’s important to understand is there’s an entire Thyroid Hormone Pathway that exists, which your thyroid hormone must travel down before it ever gets to your cells. And with hypothyroidism, your pathway becomes blocked on multiple levels, preventing your thyroid hormone from ever reaching your cells.
And if there’s one thing we want you to take away from our time together, it’s this…
If you can’t get the right thyroid hormone to your cells or your cells can’t metabolize that thyroid hormone efficiently, then you will always be hypothyroid. And no amount of thyroid medication will ever change that.
However, in spite of what the medical system would have you believe, it is possible to overcome hypothyroidism. And we’ve developed products & programs to help fix the many underlying issues that will work together to help unblock the Thyroid Hormone Pathway and ultimately restore thyroid health.
Hashimoto's thyroiditis is the most common form of hypothyroidism today. It's essentially hypothyroidism, but with an immune component caused in large part by prolonged exposure to excess estrogen.
In hypothyroidism, our bodies are unable to detoxify estrogen efficiently, causing estrogen to build up in the body and become excessive.
Excess estrogen, or Estrogen Dominance, blocks thyroid function and drives hypothyroidism in a number of ways... It can block your thyroid gland, block your liver from converting inactive thyroid hormone into active thyroid hormone, and block your metabolism.
However, Estrogen Dominance can be reversed with the right tools and protocols...
Start your journey with some of our favorites!
Goiters and nodules are most commonly caused by a much bigger and more complicated problem - estrogen dominance.
Think of your thyroid gland like a balloon. The effects of estrogen are such that air (thyroid hormone) is being continuously added to the balloon (your thyroid), without any air (thyroid hormone) being allowed to escape - this is what causes the goiter or soft nodule to appear.
The solution to the problem is to stop adding more air to the balloon, while at the same time letting air out, allowing the balloon (your thyroid) to shrink and normalize in size.
To read about the 3 steps we take to do this safely & effectively, click here, to see the products & supplements we use, scroll through them below!
In hypothyroidism your body is unable to detoxify estrogen efficiently, causing estrogen to build up in the body and become excessive, which leads to estrogen dominance.
And in spite of what you may have been told, estrogen levels can’t be accurately measured by blood work because estrogen doesn’t accumulate in the blood... It accumulates and hides in your tissue.
And no, this isn’t just something that affects women… Estrogen dominance (aka the hidden Hashimoto’s hormone) affects both men and women.
It's excessive estrogen that also drives the autoimmune component of Hashimoto's. But, with the right tools & resources, it can be reversed!
Myth: Estrogen deficiency is the primary cause of hot flashes in women and consequently increasing estrogen levels will decrease the occurrence of said hot flashes.
While estrogen production may decline during menopause, progesterone production declines more severely, resulting in estrogen dominance. It's actually the balance of estrogen and progesterone that matters most.
Estrogen dominance, if left unaddressed, can become a real danger to your thyroid health. Infertility issues, severe menopausal symptoms, even breast cancer, they can all be connected back to excessive estrogen.
But, estrogen dominance can be reversed, and severe menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, and sleep issues can all be overcome by simply focusing on rebalancing estrogen levels!
In spite of what you might have been led to believe, there’s really no such thing as adrenal fatigue... because it’s impossible for your adrenal glands to truly fatigue.
However, you can easily develop "adrenal insufficiency" (lack of cortisol) with hypothyroidism. And it’s not uncommon.
But, while most people will tell you that you have to treat your adrenals in order to improve your thyroid health... it’s quite the opposite.
The real solution to fixing your adrenal problem involves breaking the vicious Thyroid-Adrenal Stress Cycle that’s sabotaging your thyroid.
To read about the 5 simple thyroid fixes to fix your adrenals, click here, to see the products & supplements we use, scroll through them below!
Many believe anxiety & panic attacks to be a simple matter of stress or adrenal fatigue, but it’s actually much larger than that.
Hypothyroidism promotes the overproduction of serotonin and this overproduction of serotonin further suppresses your thyroid. This leads to the development of the Hypothyroidism-Serotonin Anxiety Cycle (it’s dangerous cycles like this that keep you trapped in your hypothyroidism.)
There are other hormonal factors that amplify stress & anxiety... and one of those hormones is adrenaline. Adrenaline acts like a gas pedal, accelerating your existing anxiety to an even higher level.
However, it is possible to break these vicious cycles and reduce your stress & anxiety levels!
Hypothyroidism, heart disease, and diabetes go hand-in-hand.
Dr. Broda Barnes' research proved the direct connection between thyroid dysfunction, cholesterol, and heart disease. To read more about this click here.
When it comes to diabetes, anyone who is diabetic will functionally be hypothyroid because their cells become blocked from using thyroid hormone efficiently. And anyone who is hypothyroid will have a tendency toward becoming pre-diabetic and eventually diabetic because of how their body compensates for their thyroid condition.
However, there is something you can do about this.
To discover how we do this, click here, to see the products & supplements we use, scroll through them below!