Our 100% organic, specialty-grade thyroid-boosting coffee helps restore healthy thyroid-supportive metabolism, healthy liver function, improve insulin resistance, reduces the risk of heart disease, cancer, stroke, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, and so much more!
Start your morning off on the right foot with our specialty-grade coffee that's sure to leave you feeling energized and ready to take on the day!
Coffee not only helps boost your thyroid, but it also helps protect you from common metabolic diseases.
As little as one cup of coffee per day can help protect your thyroid and can help you live a longer, happier, and healthier life.
Want to learn how? Click here to learn more.
Coffee can help boost your mood and combat stress by increasing dopamine levels, which also help lower some thyroid-suppressive hormones.
Coffee can help stimulate healthy oxidative metabolism and increase the conversion of T4 to T3 to give you a nice healthy increase in energy.
*Coffee can help stimulate your memory and has been shown to protect against Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia.
Coffee can help give you peace of mind by protecting you and your future from metabolic diseases like heart disease and diabetes.
Coffee can help to re-balance thyroid-suppressive stress hormones by blocking the 11beta-HSD1 enzyme, reducing adrenaline, and increasing dopamine while also combating estrogen dominance by aromatase inhibition, regulating estrogen levels, stimulating progesterone, and increasing SHBG.
Coffee can help to re-activate and protect your liver by regulating liver stress & liver enzymes, protecting against fatty liver disease, and protecting against fibrosis of the liver. It also helps re-active cAMP at the cell level to help inhibit oxidative damage that can lead to metabolic diseases.
Only the Best Ingredients...
It’s simple… It’s specialty coffee roasted specially for your thyroid health. We only use the highest quality organic and specialty grade coffee beans to eliminate molds and mycotoxins as well as synthetic pesticides and chemicals, so you can rest assured knowing that the only thing in your coffee is coffee. We then specially roast our beans to maximize the thyroid-boosting effects and healthy antioxidants levels, so you get the maximum health benefits you deserve from your coffee, rather than allowing them to go to waste. We package our coffee beans with a nitrogen flush to lock in the freshness and amazing flavor while maintaining the highest antioxidant levels to extend the health benefits of your coffee. This way you can enjoy your coffee when you’re ready, without being rushed, and without losing out on any of the thyroid-boosting effects.
Contains 12 oz. (340 g) of fresh, organic, specialty grade, pure, clean thyroid-boosting coffee.
For the proper dosing, we recommend brewing 2 tablespoons (15 grams) of freshly ground coffee Thyro-Boost Coffee per cup (8 oz. / 326 ml) of water. We always start slowly with our clients and increase coffee intake over time based on a dose and dosing schedule that helps them feel their best. While even as little as 1 cup of coffee (8 oz. / 326 ml) per day provides significant health benefits… research shows that 3 to 5 cups of coffee per day can have tremendous effects on your health.
You can brew it any way you’d like including drip, French-press, percolate, etc. It has no effect on the health benefits at all. For best effect and tolerance, we have our clients sip their coffee with and after meals. If tolerance is a concern, then we start slowly with as small of a dose as tolerated, used only with meals and only with adequate carbohydrate and fat to help slow the digestion and absorption of the caffeine while maintaining proper blood sugar handling.
Who would have thought that something that tastes so delicious could be so good for your thyroid? Start your day off right by jumpstarting your thyroid with a nice warm cup of thyroid-boosting coffee.
Disclaimer: If you’re using a T4-only medication like Synthroid or levothyroxine, coffee can slow the absorption of the medication. This can be prevented by waiting an hour after taking the medication before consuming coffee.