And that doesn't include the misdiagnosed, under-diagnosed, or those that are simply unaware.
Hashimoto's thyroiditis, also known as Hashimoto's disease, is the most common form of hypothyroidism.
This translates to more than 40 million Americans!
Consequently, without adequate thyroid, every cell, tissue, and organ throughout your entire body suffers, along with your metabolism. This also explains why people suffering from hyperthyroidism (an overactive thyroid) and hypothyroidism (an underactive thyroid) experience such a wide range of symptoms.
And although this is 20 times the rate in men, it doesn't mean that men don't suffer from hypothyroidism as well. In fact, it's become increasingly more common in men due to a variety of different environmental and health-related issues.
So for those that use thyroid medication, it doesn’t really matter how much you use, without adequate Vitamin A, your thyroid medication won’t do you any good.
And 93% of all Hashimoto's sufferers are Vitamin D deficient...which is why both Vitamin A (see #6 above) and Vitamin D are so essential to thyroid health.
There is actually a clear link between hypothyroidism and diabetes...but we won't get into that now. Additionally, it has been discovered that more than 75% of diabetics suffer from Thiamine deficiency (Vitamin B1) - no wonder they are so tired all the time!
And for those that didn't know, heart disease is the #1 cause of death in Americans today!
We say this a lot here at Forefront Health, where we also help people correct the issue so they can live a life free from their hypothyroid symptoms.
As the statistics indicate, hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's thyroiditis are far too common in today's world. And with the rise of exclusion diets, they've become even more common...but more on that later.
Even worse, most of the advice out there about hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's thyroiditis is dead wrong!
Unfortunately, most people waste years or even decades of their lives focusing on the tip of the iceberg before realizing the information they were told and the medications they are on will never work.
What's important to understand is there's an entire Thyroid Hormone Pathway that exists, which your thyroid hormone must travel down before it ever gets to your cells.
And with hypothyroidism, your pathway becomes blocked on multiple levels preventing your thyroid hormone from ever reaching your cells.
But, we have the tools, resources, and solutions to help unblock your Thyroid Hormone Pathway, so you can get back to living the life you deserve.
By addressing the root cause, it is possible to live a life free from the symptoms commonly associated with hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's thyroiditis and start feeling normal again.
And Forefront Health was founded to help thyroid sufferers do exactly that!
Your thyroid condition shouldn't control your life and prevent you from doing the activities you enjoy... And it doesn't have to!
We've spent years developing content, products, and programs to help you take back control of your thyroid health and start living a life free from the grip of hypothyroidism or Hashimoto's thyroiditis.
And discover the products we developed to help reduce these symptoms so you can start feeling like yourself again!
42.0% of our customers come to us struggling with hair, skin, & nail issues.